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The 21 Day Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is a spiritual fast that incorporates a lifestyle change (restricting certain foods, not the timing of eating those foods). Its origins come from the Old Testament prophet, Daniel, who underwent a 21 day fast from meat and pleasant foods (Daniel 10:2-3). 


For the spiritual part of the fast, some people choose to focus on prayer and meditation, or other things like focusing on positivity, not procrastinating, not complaining, gratitude or other spiritual/psychological goals. 


One particular thing you could consider fasting about is...

whether there is an area of you life, that if you had a significant improvement, a transformation, or a REVOLUTION in that area, your life would be tremendously better. That may be something you choose to focus on in the fast! 

Upcoming Informational Sessions

Thursday and/or Sunday session


Daniel Fast Details

Dr. Bowman Explains the Daniel Fast!

Check out the video below for more details about the Daniel Fast!




If I am ready to join the fast, how do I get started? 

Go to the link below and get registered!

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Are there any supplements I should take while on the fast?

Vitamin B12 supplements are STRONGLY recommended, and Vitamin D is also recommended.

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What should I do if I eat or drink something that we are fasting from?

"First, it's ok! You're human and it happens! Don't beat yourself up. Dust yourself off and get back on the fast. Forgive yourself. Figure out why it happened and try to take steps to get back on the fast. have

Watercolor Bell Pepper Slice
Where do you get your protein during the fast, as this is essentially whole food, plant-based nutrition? Doesn't my body NEED animal products to get more protein?

Most Americans get way more protein than they need! If you think about it, cows don't eat chicken to get THEIR protein, and chicken don't eat seafood to get protein for themselves. They eat PLANTS! You can get protein from legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils and soy), whole grains, nuts and seeds, as well as vegetables. As long as you get a balance of those foods, and include several servings of them a day, you'll be fine. You can definitely build muscle and exercise on a plant-based diet. Check out the documentary, The Game Changers ( for more on plant-based athletes. Note: There isn't much protein in fruit

What should I do when I'm tempted to eat or drink something that is not allowed on the fast?

Pray! Pray for strength to resist. Quote a scripture, like "Resist the devil and he will flee" or "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me

Do you recommend any website for recipes and what foods I should avoid?

Yes, the "Ultimate Daniel Fast" website has food lists and recipes that are all Daniel fast-approved. The Forks over Knives website has a lot of recipes as well, but some may include ingredients that are not on the Daniel Fast-approved list; try to make some adjustments to those recipes to have them comply with the fast.

“I have a clear mind working out 3-5 times a week, more energy, less joint pain. Before, I struggled with IBS and now I use the bathroom 3-4 times a day and they are nice and smooth!"
"Huge energy improvement, GERD issues lessened, back pain lessened. I can bend down to pick things up quicker & with less hurting."
“I loved the group support. I enjoyed prayer & scripture sharing, praise reports, prayer requests so we could pray for one another. Thoughtful & insightful advice from the facilitators of the group. Watching movies together & other activities presented.
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